Sunday, 23 July 2017

Journal 7: Using Podcast and Digital Storytelling for Language Learning

Hello again! Since today is Sunday I think it is the most suitable time for me to update my blog. It's already week 8 and the pressure is on. But its okay as everything will end soon and I cannot wait for it hehe. So let's start our entry for tonight with entitle "Using Podcast and Digital Storytelling for Language Learning". Ever heard about Podcast? Anyone? Yes? No? Its okay let me tell you what is podcast, okay peeps?

In simple explanation Podcast could be considered as any kind of audio or video that used internet to upload it online. Its is like a storytelling, songs, tips, tutorials, book reviews and etc. Anyone can listen to that audio or video and the most interesting part is it can be downloaded to a computer and mobile devices like MP3 player. Why its called Podcast? Its a combination of words iPod and broadcast.

If you read again my title for this entry, I am sure some of you might wonder what is relations between Podcast and Language Learning. Some might ask, "is it possible to use podcast in language learning" or "how does it work with language learning". Its okay to have that kind of thoughts because used to have it at first stage. But after Madam Azida told me everything only then I see the relationship between these two.

There are two main use of podcast in learning language which are to let students listen to existing podcasts and encourage students to create their own podcasts. For existing podcasts, students could use them for their studies because podcasts come in variety of levels and topics. It is like materials that students use for their self study and many more.To have your own podcast you need to have a recorded audio then upload it to your favourite podcast medium like Youtube, iTunes, SoundCloud and Blog.

Here is my podcast. Do click the link :)
For your information I uploaded my podcast on SoundCloud. Enjoy 😊

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Journal 6: Instructional Courseware Design

Hello peeps and good evening :). It's been a week since my last entry. So today I decided to update more about my journey in my ICT class with my lovely lecturer, Madam Azida. Last two weeks we learnt two new things and I found it very interesting as I never knew about it even I am 22 years old now. What a pathetic! But since I knew a bit of it I feel so excited to share it this entry. Sit tight and enjoy your reading peeps!

Before I start, let me ask you a question, okay? Do you know what is Instructional Courseware Design? Anyone? Me? Nah. I know some of you might know and some might not like me. And maybe this is your first time heard this "Instructional Courseware Design", am I right? So let me tell you what is ICD really is. 

According to Madam Azida, Instructional Courseware Design is something like application that widely used in education field to help the teachers to make it lesson more efficient, effective and appealing. Since it is an instructional, it it an instruction of knowledge that the teachers you to give to the students but in more effective ways. Furthermore, it really put students as priority as before this instructional thing is designed, the teachers required to figure out the needs of their students, defining the learning objectives and creating something or ideas to achieve the objectives of the lesson. And most important thing is it combined Mixed Behaviourist and Constructivist learning theory. I know some of you still does not get my point yet. As ex TESL student, I could say that Instructional Courseware Design actually something similar to teacher's lesson plan. Before you enter the class, you must have your lesson plan to make sure your lesson for that day is achievable or not. Same goes to Instructional Courseware Design. 

In 1960-2006, PLATO was invented. PLATO or Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations was the first computer assisted instruction system. It actually similar to CALL that we used for this era as it could teach any course using it. PLATO was on of the example of application that used instruction in lesson. Before, this PLATO was invented a framework was created to make sure instructional coursework run smoothly. For this application, a framework called ADDIE was designed. ADDIE are the steps that used when constructing an instructional coursework. It consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.

Courseware or Instructional Courseware Design actually works as supporter to a lesson not to complete the lesson. It is like a guide book for teachers to make sure the lesson is well-organized in order to achieve the objectives. Any situations like inside or outside the lesson could use this method.

I guess this is for now and stay tuned as many more interesting topic will be updated soon. Goodbye :)

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Journal 5: Computer Mediated Communication and ESL

Hi and good evening everyone. Tonight I would like to share with you guys new topic about CMC. If any of you did followed me from my first entry, you would notice that I did mentioned this topic back then in my second entry. I only told what is CMC and some examples of it. But do not worry, tonight I would tell more about it from A-Z. Enjoy your reading peeps!

Any form of communication or interaction between two or more people via separate computers through network connection called as Computer Mediated Communication. Social medias like Whatssap, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Skype and many more are the examples of CMC that people nowadays always uses in their daily life. CMC not only use to communicate but also for education purpose.

In late 1980s and 1990s CMS was widely used for education. It started when a Communicative CALL was introduced to the world. During that time, the uses of Forum and Emails became widespread and long-distance education was increased. People used this CMC for distance teachings and learning as it was convenient for them.

CMC have two types of communication: Asynchronous CMC and Synchronous CMC.

1. Asynchronous CMC
    - communication is not synchronized
    - when someone sent a message, it takes time time for the recipient to reply the message. It take time for them to reply it.
    - Emails, Message Boards, Forums and Discussion, Blogs and etc are the examples of                            Asynchronous CMC

2. Synchronous CMC
    - communication is synchronized
    - when someone sent a message, it takes to time to get reply. The recipient will reply it instantly as the sender do not have to wait any longer to get reply.
    - Internet chat rooms, Whatsapps, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and etc are the examples of                         Synchronous CMC

As been mentioned above, CMC also used for education purpose as it allows long-distance learning. Both teacher and students be able to communicate with each other even they are in different locations. When using CMC you do not have to walk to class but the learning is still on. Video conferencing, E-tutoring and E-lectures are the most popular examples of CMC in education field.

To wrap up everything, I could say that CMC is awesome and  on behalf of universities students I would say we need it in our education system! It very convenient for both teachers and students as it easy to use, save your times, save your energy and many more. With that, thank you :)

Journal 4: Search Engine and Online Database

Do you know what is Search Engine and Online Database? I also did not know what are these two things really are. When Madam Azida asked my classmates and I, all of us could not answered it as most of use never heard these terms before. Actually, Search Engine is a web tool that allows users to enter keywords and find information on websites contained in its database. Google or Yahoo are the examples of Search Engine. It uses software that collects data from Web to include in its database and not forget to mention every search engine has its own database.  There are four parts of a Search Engine included Database, Web-Crawlers, User Interface and Information Retrieval System.


Database- a storage where all indexed webpages are stored.


Web-Crawlers- an automated program or bot


User Interface- a user-friendly app/site/page where users may input query and search results are presented.


Information Retrieval System- a system used to match the user's query to indexed webpages found in database.

In addition, Search Engine was designed to search for a specific area where its database only for specific field like Google Scholar, Education World, Art cyclopedia and .

After the class ended, only then I knew what is Search Engine really is. I had been using it for years but never aware about it not even a second. From my understanding, Search Engine is Google. When me or all of use wanted to get information about something, we use Google or any other software to find it. It where Search Engine plays it role. It actually the one who helped all humankind in this world to find information. Without this Search Engine thing, I believed it hard to get info. I think that all for this time. Wait for my next entry and goodbye everyone :)

Journal 3: Evolution of CALL

After learnt about the introduction of CALL, Madam Azida continued the lesson with the Evolution of CALL. This time we need to learn more and more about how did this CALL thing grew up from its beginning till now. There were lot of things we need to explore in order for us to understand how it really happened. For your information, this CALL evolution had 3 different progressions which were Behaviouristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrated CALL.

As all of us know, CALL acts as a tool in language learning. According to history, a theory called Behaviouristic CALL was developed in 1960s especially for Audio-Lingual method. It consisted repetitive drill and practice.This method really suited for language learning because it help the learners to master their pronouncitions. By using this method, learners are encourage to keep on repetiting the exercises provided until they master it. One of the example that use this method was  Stanford Project (1960s).

Second progression in CALL evolution known as Communicative CALL. Communicative CALL could be defined as a tool that focused more on language usage rather than grammar. It was developed between 1970s-1980s as it concepts allowed the learners to have their own utterances on word. It was designed to help the learners to utter any words naturally without worrying the grammatical errors. By doing this kind of thing, it will let the learners to enjoy their learning as they do not have to worry doing any mistakes. In this situation, computer holds three important roles which are computer as tutor, computer as stimuli and computer as a tool. Computer works as a tutor as it gives guidance but does not judge learners. For instance, Pronunciation Coach and Rosetta Stone. On the other hand, computer as stimulus when it train learner to solve problem by themselves. Learners will be expose to open discussion, writing and critical thinking where it requires them to have problem solving skills. Last but not least, computer as a tool is when learners are encourage to use generic software like Word Processor, Excel Spreadsheet and Publisher to upgrade the language.

Integrated CALL was the last progression in CALL evolution. It used the integration of real-world into CALL. This evolution started when a CD-ROM was widely used to store the materials for learning. This method used internet to work on. Until now learners will use internet for CALL in their studies especially in language learning.

For this lesson, I  could say that it is important to know the evolution of CALL. Know it progression from time to time so that we could appreciate more. I just wanted to say that CALL is most eligible tool for learners especially language learners because it easy to use and suits well.

Hot Potatoes is one the software that consider as CALL software.

Last Journal: Reflective Essay 😁

Assalamuaikum and good morning peeps 😊. Happy Sunday everyone and always cheer up. This morning I would like to post my last entry for this...